
Philco 41-608 If you're looking to buy something not listed on our website or you're looking to sell, please give us a shout. Redcar Music Company is located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, although some of our inventory is available for viewing at The Beaumont Mill in Glen Williams, ON, or at our ebay store.

Email us directly by using our Contact Form
or give us a call at (416) 571-8667
Like us on Facebook

If the item you're interested in is currently at the Beaumont Mill, you can call the fine people there (Peter) in advance to see if it's still available.
The phone number for the Mill is (905)873-4407. You can also follow them on Facebook or learn more about The Mill here.

Below is a map to The Beaumont Mill in Glen Williams, Ontario.
(It's worth the drive!)

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